The Stay At Home Guide - Our 10 Self Care Tips

As we enter the many weeks of quarantine fragility of our mental well being is and should be a concern for many. That's why self-care is so important. Taking a moment out of every day to distance ourselves from the madness and focus on our mental, physical and emotional health. We've put together our 10 favourite self-care practices that we challenge you to try. Treat yourself to this break because you definitely deserve it.
1. Disconnect
It's time for a digital reset. We know, SO much easier said than done. Our entire lives have been integrated with our phones and they make many daily tasks as easy as a click of a button. And in many ways we'd be struggling so much more if we didn't have them. We can connect with friends and family in a matter of seconds. But as screen time increases, having time away is just as important. Schedule yourself some technology free time, every day. Turn your phone on silent, put it away in a drawer and sit with your thoughts. You'll be surprised how relaxing it will feel to unplug and breathe.
2. Organize Your Space
Organizing the space we are spending so much of our time in can make a massive difference in how we feel. Make your space somewhere you love and feel good in. Tackle that closet project, bring in a new plant or move current objects around. Starting your day in a space you love sets an amazing mental tone for your day. So channel Marie Kondo and get it happening!
3. Make Self Care a Ritual, Not a Chore
Let's face it, you've got a bit more time on your hands right now. And even if you don't, you can multi-task and make self care a priority. (Sitting at your desk with a face mask is the new selfie) Using good, clean products will make your skin feel amazing. Already have some skincare you love? Add a tool into your regime. Or take the best, longest bath you've ever had.
4. Take Time to Reconnect w/ Friends
The phone call has officially made a comeback. Texting is the easiest way to keep in touch and has been the main way of communicating, but making a call or FaceTiming is oddly so much more personal and sometimes hearing a friends voice comforts you in ways you never thought possible. Plus, laughs are contagious and we could all use a bit more of that right now.
5. Meditate
Big fans of meditating over here! Just as its important to physically disconnect, mentally it's even more. Shower meditating is one of our faves! Get some eucalyptus oil, add three drops into your hands. Rub together and take 10 deep breaths. While under the hot water, try to focus on your breathing. It can help reduce stress, improve focus and most important give you a mental break.
6. Invest In Some Stay Home Gear
When we look good, we feel good. Even when sitting at home - having some nice cozies will cause your mood to change. Working from home? Get up and get ready as if you were going to work. It will set your mind up for a productive day and you will feel more motivated. Wearing PJ's everyday isn't good for anyone!
7. Exercise
Endorphins are released in your body when you exercise. They trigger a positive emotions and will help you relax. So get moving! Make a fun playlist, stream a workout class and you be addicted in no time. Many forms of exercise reduce stress directly and prevent bodily illness.
Plus - it has lots of mental health benefits too!
8. Drink Water
H2o is in your body cells, organs and tissues. We lose it throughout the day breathing, sweating and digesting. It's important to keep hydrating as the day goes by. And it is SO good for your skins health! Make a game out of it. Want another coffee? Have a glass of water first. Once you start you will realize how much you crave the feeling of being hydrated.
9. Have a Dance Party
Dance like no one is watching. No seriously - do it! Like exercise dancing releases similar endorphins that promote happiness. Revisiting old songs is a fun way to remember good times. Make a playlist - share them with your friends. (Oh, and make a TikTok video while you are at it)
10. Make a Gratitude List
Simply writing down your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly beneficial and is a form of meditation. Focus on what you have, what makes you happy and what you are grateful for. Reflecting on the things you have vs. what you don't have is a reminder of how fortunate we are and promotes happiness. We'll start - we are grateful for you! Our loyal MP supporters. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your love! xo